Monday, January 18, 2021

GoldilocksAndTheThreeBears: Twisted Tales

 Dedicated to my little sister Krithika for her 10th bday

Once upon a time, there were three bears, Appa bear, Amma bear and Baby bear. Amma and Appa bear were professional thieves and vandalisers, and baby bear was in training. They stole a lot of things, and people were very unhappy. So, the Villains Reformation Society sent their best agent to try to reform them: Goldie, code name Agent Goldilocks. She watched the bears for two weeks, and made lots of notes. 



              Friday, 04 December 2020


Only eating porridge, reading the paper or books and sleeping


              Saturday, 05 December 2020



Sunday, 06 December 2020

Nothing. They are just doing the same thing. They went out to rob a house today.



She then found out that that the Amma would cook, the appa would sleep in, and the baby would play from 5 to 8. She also found that they lazed around all day and only stole on Sundays. Agent Goldilocks decided that the best way to show them the errors of their ways was to show them how their actions adversely affected, when they went to steal on Sunday, she slipped into their house. First, she inspected their lunches, which the Amma bear had prepared in advance. Each bear had a large bowl of rice and a two smaller bowls, one with okra and the other with sambar. She smiled to herself, and proceeded to eat all the food in the three bowls set out for the baby. She then tried to finish the Amma’s bowl, but couldn’t. so, wasting no time, she smeared the food all over the counter writing ‘THIEVES BE WARNED’. For her next trick, she walked into the living room. First, she tested all three armchairs. Then, she grabbed the smallest, and hurled it out the window. The other 2, she pulled the stuffing out and for good measure, took the cushions and stuffed them in her rucksack. She walked upstairs, grabbed the rugs, bed sheets, pillows, furbrushes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and all the other odds and ends she could find, tied them up in the largest bed sheet, and took them down. She relaxed in one the chairs near the breakfast table. She’d wanted to take those too, but they were nailed down. She suddenly had a novel idea. She pulled a bottle of slime out of her pocket and poured it all over the chairs. She suddenly heard a noise. The bears were coming home! She grabbed her rucksack and the bed sheet bag, dragged them out the back door, and hid in a bush. 3,2,1, launch! She could hear the bears’ cries of despair, and smiled to herself, hoping they’d find her note before they got TOO angry. Right on cue, baby bear’s voice rang, “Look, Appa! There’s a note.” The Appa bear took the note and read out loud, “Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bear, we are sorry for the inconvenience we may have caused you. We just wished for you to see the effects your misbehaviours have had on others. We will gladly pay for any damages. PS. You may want to consider joining us.”


              Long story short, the bears agreed to join VRS, and now they fight crime all over the planet.

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